Norwalk Building Zone Regulation Notification
We Want Your Input
We are looking for Norwalk residents, businesses and others interested in fair and affordable housing in Norwalk to participate in the Consolidated Plan by sharing your thoughts. An important part of the planning will be discussions and feedback from the community. If you have any questions about the planning efforts, contact Sabrina Church at or at (203)854-7810 ext. 46781.
Have A Say In Your Norwalk, Your Future
The City has partnering with the Third Taxing District, the East Norwalk Neighborhood Association and the East Norwalk Business Association on the East Norwalk Transit Oriented Development study. Planning has also included conversations with real estate and economic development professionals, as well as input from businesses and City representatives - and area residents like you!
If you have any questions about the planning efforts, contact Steve Kleppin, Director, Norwalk Planning and Zoning, at or (203) 854-7780
Participate in Norwalk Planning Efforts

You Park. Help Plan.
Your input is critical to help us understand the community’s parking needs. Some of the ways we’ll be getting community feedback may include a large public meeting and smaller sessions with specific interest groups such as neighborhood associations, downtown business associations, or others who grapple with parking issues on a day-to-day basis.
We’re also conducting an online survey so if you who cannot attend a public meeting you will have an opportunity to share your thoughts. Click below to take our survey.
If you have any questions about Norwalk parking planning efforts, contact Kathy Hebert at or call 203-854-7736.
Have A Say: You Live, Work & Visit Here!
We need everyone who lives, works and visits these neighborhoods to have a say. If you are one of the following, we would like to hear from you:
- Resident
- Property owner
- Business owner
- Public official
- Institutional agency
- Visitor
Help us to capture the true, current temperature of the Wall Street/West Avenue and Washington Street/South Main neighborhoods and make your mark on Norwalk's future.
If you have any questions about the Redevelopment planning efforts, contact Tami Strauss at or call 203-854-7810 x46787
Be a Part of the Future
You live here. You work here. It's your city and your future. Everyone who makes up the fabric of Norwalk - residents, business owners, employees, visitors, and city officials - can contribute their insights, ideas, and hopes for Norwalk's future.
Be part of our shared vision for the future to make sure we become the city we want to be.
Survey Title Goes Here
We Want Your Input!
Planning for the future means planning together - forging a shared vision of what kind of city we want to be in the future. The Citywide Plan will be based on discussion and dialogue: What is our shared vision? What do we want to preserve and what do we want to change? What are our priorities and how can we best work together to achieve the vision?
Participate in planning Norwalk’s future! Join with your family, neighbors, friends, and fellow workers to get involved in creating the plan. A series of interactive public workshops and discussions, digital surveys and activities will give residents, business owners, and others with a stake in Norwalk's future many opportunities to be part of shaping Norwalk's next decade.