East Norwalk Transit-Oriented Development Plan Update
Final Wall Street-West Avenue Neighborhood Plan
Other Planning Efforts
The parking study and plan will be used to inform the Citywide Plan/POCD as well as planning for the Wall Street/West Avenue Neighborhood and the Transit Oriented Development plan around East Avenue, all of which are currently underway.
Other Planning Efforts
Along with and helping to shape the Wall Street/West Avenue neighborhood, the city is also conducting a Citywide Plan/POCD, a citywide Parking study and a Transit Oriented Development plan around East Avenue.
Other Planning Efforts
Along with and helping to shape the Citywide Plan/POCD, the City is also conducting planning studies in the Wall Street/West Avenue area, in East Avenue centered around Transit Oriented Development, as well as a citywide Parking study.
Read more about:
What's happening with Parking?
What's happening with Urban Neighborhoods?
What's happening in Transit Oriented Development?
Other Planning Efforts
Along with and helping to shape the East Avenue Transit Oriented Development Plan, the city is also conducting a Citywide Plan/POCD, a Wall Street/West Avenue and Washington Street/South Main neighborhoods Plan as well as a citywide Parking study.
Timeline: TOD
Have A Say In Your Norwalk, Your Future
The City has partnering with the Third Taxing District, the East Norwalk Neighborhood Association and the East Norwalk Business Association on the East Norwalk Transit Oriented Development study. Planning has also included conversations with real estate and economic development professionals, as well as input from businesses and City representatives - and area residents like you!
If you have any questions about the planning efforts, contact Steve Kleppin, Director, Norwalk Planning and Zoning, at skleppin@norwalkct.org or (203) 854-7780