Other Planning Efforts
The parking study and plan will be used to inform the citywide Citywide Plan/POCD as well as planning for the Wall Street/West Avenue and Washington Street/South Main Neighborhoods both of which are currently underway.
Other Planning Efforts
Along with and helping to shape the Wall Street/West Avenue and Washington Street/South Main neighborhoods, the city is also conducting a Citywide Plan/POCD as well as a citywide Parking study.
Participate in Norwalk Planning Efforts
Why is the Norwalk Parking Authority conducting a study?
Increasingly, issues around parking have been rising to the surface. The Mayor, the Redevelopment Agency and the Parking Authority have been approached on a regular basis by local businesses and residents requesting assistance accommodating increasing demand for parking. It has become clear that these requests can no longer be handled singularly, but must be considered in the context of an overall parking capacity plan for the City.
This study will guide the City and the Norwalk Parking Authority in making more informed decisions about the daily management and long-term vision of both entities. Included in this study will be the assessment of the efficiency of the Norwalk Parking Authority along with recommendations on how best to manage the parking assets in the City of Norwalk moving forward.
Why is the Redevelopment Agency developing separate plans?
The Norwalk Redevelopment Agency is updating the West Avenue, Wall Street, and Washington-South Main Redevelopment Plans in accordance with federal regulations that require that these plans are updated every ten years to reflect current conditions and changes than may have occurred in the area.
What is Norwalk Tomorrow and this website?
The City of Norwalk created this Norwalk Tomorrow website as a long-term platform to provide information and encourage public participation in the City’s planning initiatives. During 2017-2018, this website focuses on three planning efforts: the Citywide Plan/Plan of Conservation & Development, sponsored by the Planning Commission; Wall Street, West Avenue, and Washington Street neighborhood redevelopment plans sponsored by the Redevelopment Agency; and a Parking Study, sponsored by the Parking Authority.
Who will produce the Citywide Plan / POCD?
Members of the Oversight Committee convened by the Mayor, including the Planning Commission:
- Erik Anderson (Board of Ed.)
- Robert Barron (Finance)
- Brian Baxendale (Planning Commission)
- Todd Bryant (Norwalk Preservation Trust)
- Lisa Burns (DPW)
- Alexis Cherichetti (Conservation)
- Deanna D’Amore (Health Dpt.)
- David Davidson (Planning Commission)
- Fran DiMeglio (Planning Commission, Chair)
- Steve Ferguson (Planning Commission)
- Brian Griffin (Chamber of Commerce)
- John Igneri (Council)
- Jeffrey Ingraham (Fair Housing Advisory)
- Laoise King (Mayor’s Office)
- Nora King (Planning Commission)
- Steven Kleppin (P&Z Staff)
- Allen Kolkowitz (Resident, Architect)
- John Kydes (Council)
- Tammy Langalis (Planning Commission)
- Diane Lauricella (CNNA)
- Michael Mushak (Planning Commission)
- Adolph Neaderland (CNNA)
- Harry Rilling (Mayor)
- Nancy Rosett (Bike/Walk Commission)
- Jan Schaefer (Harbor Mgt. Commission)
- Louis Schulman (Zoning Commission)
- Tim Sheehan (Redevelopment)
- Geoffrey Steadman (Harbor Mgt. Commission)
- Margaret Suib (Fair Housing)
- Tami Strauss (Redevelopment)
- Nate Sumpter (Zoning Commission)
- Dori Wilson (P&Z Staff)
- Mike Wrinn (P&Z Staff)
What will be in the Citywide Plan / POCD?
- The plan will take an integrated approach to a broad set of topics—housing, neighborhoods, economic development, parks and open space, historic resources, transportation and infrastructure, sustainability and climate change resilience, and more—and the plan will be informed by the City’s other planning initiatives.
- The plan will start with where we are today and the trends that will affect us in the future.
- The Norwalk community’s vision for the future, our goals and priorities will be linked to strategies and actions to achieve the vision and goals.
- An action plan will identify the What?--How?—Who?—When?—and How Much? of the plan.
How can I get involved?
Participate in planning Norwalk’s future! Go to the Get Involved page to sign up for email notices on Citywide Plan activities and the News & Events to find out about events. As the plan gets underway, you can find maps, analysis, reports, and documents for comment on the Resources page.
What makes this a community-driven plan?
The Citywide Plan will be based on discussion and dialogue among Norwalk residents, business owners, and others with a stake in Norwalk’s future. What is our shared vision? What do we want to preserve and what do we want to change? What are our priorities and how can we best work together to achieve the vision?
A series of interactive public workshops and discussions, digital surveys and activities will give residents, business owners, and others with a stake in Norwalk’s future many opportunities to be part of shaping Norwalk’s next decade.