Parking in Norwalk

Parking is an integral and vital part of any city, helping to drive business, economic development and quality of life for residents and visitors. In order to make sure that parking meets the need of those who work, live and do business in Norwalk, the Norwalk Parking Authority has commissioned an in-depth parking capacity study and strategic parking plan. The study will include:

  • A comprehensive inventory of Norwalk’s current public and private parking inventory stock
  • Study Evaluation of data including car counts, transaction trends, parking patterns, length-of-stay counts, parking occupancy and demand
  • Understanding of the community’s goals and needs through public meetings, smaller stakeholder sessions, individual interviews, as well as face-to-face and online surveys
  • Analysis of future parking needs
  • A recommendation on the potential need for capital investment in additional surface or structured parking facilities
  • Evaluation of the roles, responsibilities and future of the Norwalk Parking Authority
  • Review of alternatives to parking such as bike share, vehicle share, train usage

The goal: The development of a citywide comprehensive and cohesive strategic parking plan that articulates and clarifies a common vision and approach for parking in Norwalk from a variety of users’ perspectives.

The plan will include strategies to benefit business and residential communities, as well as the visiting public, and offer solutions and best practices that will assist the City and the Norwalk Parking Authority. This plan will also be used to inform the 10-year citywide Plan of Conservation and Development as well as the urban neighborhood updates for SoNo, the Wall Street districts and West Avenue.

You Park. Help Plan.

Your input is critical to help us understand the community’s parking needs. Some of the ways we’ll be getting community feedback may include a large public meeting and smaller sessions with specific interest groups such as neighborhood associations, downtown business associations, or others who grapple with parking issues on a day-to-day basis.

We’re also conducting an online survey so if you who cannot attend a public meeting you will have an opportunity to share your thoughts.  Click below to take our survey.

If you have any questions about Norwalk parking planning efforts, contact Kathy Hebert at or call 203-854-7736.

Recent Updates:

Other Planning Efforts

The parking study and plan will be used to inform the Citywide Plan/POCD as well as planning for the Wall Street/West Avenue Neighborhood and the Transit Oriented Development plan around East Avenue, all of which are currently underway.