Manresa Association Findings & Recommendations

Manresa Island consists of two parcels that occupy approximately 144 acres of Norwalk’s shoreline. Since 1960, a power plant has been located on the southern parcel; first operating as  a coal fired plant that was converted to oil in 1972. In 2012, the site was inundated with storm surge during Hurricane Sandy and was subsequently closed in 2013. The closure of a power plant triggers a long process of reuse planning that involves multiple phases including decommissioning, remediation, and potential redevelopment.

The Manresa Association was formed in 2013 as an advocacy group dedicated to ensuring that Manresa Island is environmentally safe, provides open space and conservation habitat, and contributes to the physical beauty of Norwalk and the Long Island Sound coastline. The association comprises over 900 households and several local neighborhoods and clubs.

In 2017 the Manresa Association and the City of Norwalk partnered to conduct a study with the aims of identifying potential future uses of the property and assessing the potential economic impact of those uses. The study team worked closely with the project steering committee, which was composed of representatives from the City of Norwalk (Redevelopment Agency, Planning Department, Economic Development, and various Commission Members) and the Manresa Association. NRG Energy, owners of the plant, has provided access to the property and representatives from NRG attended a public workshop in support of the study.

This report provides an overview of environmental and ecological conditions of the property, remediation efforts to date and planned and potential remediation approaches, regional market conditions that will influence potential reuse of the property, and recommended reuses of the site based upon those conditions.

See Findings and Recommendations Report

Read the Latest on the Manresa Island Transformation: Norwalk’s Exciting New Waterfront Destination

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