Norwalk Industrial Waterfront Land Use Plan

As an extension of the Norwalk Industrial Zones Study, the City of Norwalk has developed an urban waterfront land use plan. The study focused on existing and future land use along the waterfront, taking public access and recreation into consideration. The plan also looked at information about the water itself and environmental issues, including navigation channels, water quality, and flood hazards.

The final plan will be used to inform future rezoning efforts, among other things, including:

  • Prioritizing land use policy which encourages water dependent uses
  • Economic development recommendations
  • Identifying capital projects, paired with suggested timelines and funding sources

Why Is There a Plan for Norwalk’s Urban Waterfront?

Urban waterfronts serve many purposes – they are centers for economic activity that are dependent on the water and are desirable spaces for public recreation. They are also sought after locations for housing and commercial uses like restaurants and retail. Waterfronts must also respond to many pressures and changes such as rapidly evolving economic conditions and increased flood risk.

In Norwalk, our Harbor Plan prioritizes water dependent uses. The current waterfront includes a number of long standing industrial and marine commercial properties that add to Norwalk’s maritime character.

This plan will help Norwalk to take stock of the needs, aspirations, and ideas for the future of the city’s waterfront. It providesa framework for regulations, rezoning recommendations, and projects needed to pursue a healthy, vibrant, and dynamic waterfront for Norwalk that balances public access, water-dependent land uses, water quality, and flood resiliency.

Area the Plan Covers

The above map shows the boundary of the Waterfront Plan area and includes:

  • Study Area: shown in dark blue.
  • Study Area Parks: shown in green.
  • Influence Areas: shown in light blue.

Download Final Plan

Other Resources

Norwalk Waterfront Plan Final Report Appendices

Norwalk Waterfront Plan Final Presentation

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