Recent Activity      Next Steps      Documents      Draft Master Plan

About the Plan

The City of Norwalk is developing a holistic, long-term traffic management and transportation improvement plan for managing the various modes of transportation within the City. The plan will provide a roadmap for innovative transportation solutions that are safe, economical, accessible, sustainable, livable, and suitable for Norwalk that enhances connectivity and mobility. This plan will guide the transportation policy and investments in the City transportation network over the next 10 to 20 years.

The Transportation Master Plan’s overall goal is to improve the various forms of urban mobility with future technologies and transportation modes in mind. Other goals include: citizens who need help getting to the doctor, to the visitor looking to shop, dine or visit an entertainment venue in town.

  • Minimizing traffic congestion
  • Improving the quality of life
  • Managing curb-space
  • Promoting favorable public health and social equality
The plan will include the following:
  • Upgrading existing roadways to provide increased capacity, efficiency and safety
  • Increasing micro-mobility options including electric vehicle on demand shuttles, ride sharing, walking and biking
  • Including Vision Zero initiatives that prioritize equitable transportation options and traffic safety through design, engineering, policies, enforcement, community engagement, and education
  • Addressing on-street residential parking
  • Assessing issues such as traffic calming and truck traffic

Having a well-planned and coordinated transportation network is vital to the economic health of Norwalk. A well-developed and achievable transportation plan will contribute to ensuring the City’s viability and vitality for years to come.

Recent Activity

  • With input from our Technical Advisory Committee, key stakeholders, and the Norwalk community, we have created a Needs Assessment to highlight mobility issues and opportunities. This document sets the stage for the development of strategies to improve Norwalk’s transportation infrastructure and mobility opportunities.
  • An ambitious set of goals and draft performance measures has been drafted to guide policy and project development to come from the Transportation Master Plan.
  • Our online survey has generated more than 1,100 responses and we have more than 750 pins dropped in our virtual mapping activity to call out local concerns.
  • A list of strategies was developed as a toolbox approach to addressing plan needs in the context of the six plan goals.
  • A series of early action concept plans have been developed as part of the plan. These concepts illustrate the types of improvements that may address current funding opportunities, near-term solutions to known issues, and strategic or long-term projects to address plan goals.
  • The complete Draft Transportation Master Plan is published online for public review and comment.


Next Steps

  • Review and incorporate public feedback on the Draft Transportation Master Plan.


Public Informational Meeting (12/6/22)

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