2015-2019 5-Year Consolidated Plan

2015 Analysis of Impediments

2016 Citizen Participation Plan

We Want Your Input

We are looking for Norwalk residents, businesses and others interested in fair and affordable housing in Norwalk to participate in the Consolidated Plan by sharing your thoughts. An important part of the planning will be discussions and feedback from the community. If you have any questions about the planning efforts, contact Sabrina Church at schurch@norwalkct.org or at (203)854-7810 ext. 46781.

Timeline: Consolidated Plan 2020-2025

Other Planning Efforts

Along with the Consolidated plan to assess housing and community development needs for Norwalk, the City is conducting a Parking Study a ten-year Citywide Plan/POCD as well as planning for the Wall Street/West Avenue Neighborhood and a Transit Oriented Development plan around East Avenue.