Route 1 Corridor Study Public Meeting

May 20
Jefferson Elementary School 5:30pm  

Route 1 Corridor Study Public Meeting
When: Monday, May 20th | 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Where: Jefferson Elementary School

Transportation, Mobility, and Parking (TMP) will be holding a public information meeting on Monday, May 20th from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at Jefferson Elementary School (75 Van Buren Avenue) to engage the community, collect feedback, and share the vision and goals of the Study. The Route 1 Corridor means a lot of different things to a lot of different people; we were hoping by way of this email you could share this with the local business community. We would like to have as many stakeholders in the corridor/Norwalk businesses present at the meeting.

Interested parties/businesses can find more information about the project here: Norwalk Route 1 Corridor Master Plan Study – Western Connecticut Council of Governments ( The project webpage (hosted by WestCOG) allows those interested to sign up for project updates, contact the team for more information, and also register for the public meeting (although not a requirement to attend).

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